
📣 Miscellaneous FREEBIES 🔥

Hey there! Through the years I've designed some FREEBIES for papemelroti that I know you will all enjoy.  Here are some links that I have compiled. see FREEBIE see  FREEBIE see  FREEBIE see  FREEBIE see  FREEBIE see  FREEBIE


The little bits of abundance sprinkled throughout my day...

Waking up and stretching without rushing.

Having a friend say I looked for her just in time.

Listening to classical music while driving to work.

A total stranger appreciating my Super Earth Saver book and wanting us to demonstrate some of the projects featured there!

Finishing the design for three tiny stationery pads and parts of my upcoming little book (sshh it's a secret!).

A friend thanking me for a dress I found for her.

An invitation to write my reflections for an inspirational website.

Eating one of my favorite foods, an egg, in the middle of the afternoon.

Hugging Princess tightly, our soft, purring kitty.

Seeing wonderful comments from a previous post!

Being inspired to create this Abundance Illustration before bedtime, around ten o'clock.

Goodnight all!


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