
📣 Miscellaneous FREEBIES 🔥

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Diva I Doodled

You know how sometimes you just have to doodle? This time I doodled away on the back of my shipping receipt.

Sometimes you just have to doodle and you don't have any decent paper on you. This piece of paper was for a package I sent to a province called Samar.
I think this lady looks like the sensible type who would cut her hair when the weather gets too hot and would wear comfortable shoes and clothes no matter what era they came from.

Her dress has a retro pattern but it's kind of groovy. I hope you like her. I call her the diva I doodled.


  1. She's kind of pensive...like she's thin king far away thoughts. Maybe samar. Patsy from

  2. she's really cute, you're really good. I wish I could draw like that.

  3. She is gorgeous. you are really talented.


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