
📣 Miscellaneous FREEBIES 🔥

Hey there! Through the years I've designed some FREEBIES for papemelroti that I know you will all enjoy.  Here are some links that I have compiled. see FREEBIE see  FREEBIE see  FREEBIE see  FREEBIE see  FREEBIE see  FREEBIE

Black Midnight

I thought I'd let my cat do today's blog post just to see what he would put up with.  So here goes...

Howdy folks meowy name is Midnight.  I'm exactly a year old this meownth so bear with me with meowy spelling.

Just a day ago, a little kitty appeared in meowy family's front door.  It was my doppelgänger from a year ago when I was found in a dumpster.

Well imagine to meowy consternation, the kitty started running to me shouting "PAPA!" "PAPA"! in a loud irritating voice.  It was so hungry!  It climbed the screen wanting to get in!

My human meowmmy said to the kitten, "someone might want to be your meomma!  Sit still don't move!!!" At that moment the apparently smart kitten sat down and gave the following pose...

Well I daresay this kitty knew the meowoooves!!!

Due to the irresistible pose about ten people wanted to get him that day!!!  Whoever dropped this kitty off at our front porch knew what he was doing!  That very night kitty was delivered by my meowmmy to his new meowmmy.

Today is a different story.  I am grounded. This morning my meowmmy could not resist my pleading to go out and play with my buddies outside.  When I got home I had a nasty half inch wound on my right backside.  She said I can't go out forever and ever and ever.  Hmmmmpffff!!!!

Instead she kept taking pictures of me again at the oddest moments.  That's all for now. As they say in Italy Chmeow!!!


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