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Hey there! Through the years I've designed some FREEBIES for papemelroti that I know you will all enjoy.  Here are some links that I have compiled. see FREEBIE see  FREEBIE see  FREEBIE see  FREEBIE see  FREEBIE see  FREEBIE

A Miracle Every Year

If I could, I would hop on a plane to Naples today!  

This day since the 2nd century, the blood of St. Januarius liquefies. This man was the bishop of Naples, a time of great persecution under Emperor Diocletian.  Visiting his flock in prison, he got arrested as well.  

Despite the threat of tortures, the saint stood firm in faith with his companions.  He was thrown to the fire and he was left unscathed.  He was thrown to the wild bears and they did not attack him. Finally he and his deacons were beheaded.  

On this feast day, may we remember that miracles still happen today and proclaim how great His works are! 


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